Download iOS 14 (iPhone 12) Camera & Mic Dot Indicator on Any Android Phone

Apple iPhone new operating system iOS 14 has added tons of new features, also some privacy features. This dot also one of those. It helps to maintain privacy and also shows when any apps try to spy on you. It looks good also helpful for higher privacy setting. This will also be a feature of upcoming new iPhone 12 series. So you can have this feature right now on your any android phone. Every time it works perfectly with nice little animation. You can even customize dot colors according to your choice if you want to.

The app is created by XDA Recognized Developer jagan2, who has also created apps like Energy Ring, Energy Bar, and Energy Notch in the past. Much like the implementation in iOS 14, Access Dots shows colored dots whenever the camera or the mic is in use. Although the dots show up at the top right corner of the display, you can also choose the location for the dots from within the app’s settings.

Download Access Dots - iOS 14 cam and mic access indicators (Link is in YouTube description) :

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